
發佈日期 2003-11-20
主題 NKO 鎢鋼銑刀--MX 900 系列 - 針對高速切削 , 展現優異切削性能

MX900 Series are being produced from ultra-fine granulated solid carbide
( < 0,5 µm)

MX900 Series are being produced from ultra-fine granulated solid carbide ( < 0,5 µm). The geometry are especially designed to guarantee a maximum of stability. The endmills are more precise with regards to the cutting diameter (g7 and h9 ), cylinder shank tolerances (h6) for easy clamping in a shrink-holder, a fact, that makes this series more than suitable for HSM applications.

- Ballnose endmills

Full-radius endmills for 3D contour-milling

- Torus endmills
Corner-radius endmills for 3D contour-milling


- High performance and multiple-flute endmills        
Endmills for contour-milling  






  最佳瀏覽建議1024X768, IE 5.5以上版本
系統使用    恩可科技有限公司
電話:886-4-24730133 傳真:886-4-22755463
電子信箱: kevin@new-idea.com.tw